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Old Oak Farm, located in Waxhaw, NC, is a family run farm which started with 24 chicks in April of 2021, right in the middle of the COVID lockdowns. Like most Americans we started noticing the rising cost of food and learning more and more about how unsustainable (and sadly) how unhealthy monocrop/large-scale/commercial ag has become.Then, like everyone else, we got to experience firsthand just how fragile our food supply was here in the US and now with inflation, labor shortages and catastrophic weather events, we are feeling this pain more and more.
So, after hundreds of hours of podcasts, untold hours of online research, dozens of books read and finally receiving a degree from YouTube University....(that's a joke...) Dave decided to pursue his goal of growing healthy, happy animals to feed our family and, hopefully, yours as well.
While Old Oak Farm is not "certified organic", Dave does all he can to keep the animals healthy and well tended using the best feed and supplements he can get, most of which (if not all) are grown and milled here in NC. Please note that unlike products sold in stores, Dave does not "Green-Wash", meaning patrons are not made any sort of false promises or claims that are not true just to maintain appearances or in an attempt to elicit higher prices for products being sold. The fact is that the term "organic" does not hold the same weight it did 20 years ago and "GMO" and like terms have become weaponized by many and battle lines drawn, even though the meaning of these terms are not fully understood by the general public.
Here's what you need to know....
From day one of when an animal becomes a part of the farm, they are fed a locally grown and milled, non-GMO, reduced-soy feed. Excluding baby chicks, the animals are on pasture 100% of the time. They drink fresh, cold well water and get all the sunshine, bugs, fresh-air and space they need and, whenever possible, are fed "treats" of food scraps and fermented grains. The takeaway? These animals are raised in the same fashion (possibly even better) than animals were raised on your great-grandparents' farms a century ago. They are tended and "talked to" daily and many, even though it goes against "farm rules", have names. The point? Dave cares for his animals and their well-being and believes, according the what the Bible teaches in Genesis, we are to be stewards of God's creations, the Earth and all within it.
So won't you join us on our journey? We really need our community's support to make this idea, this vision, become a reality.
Dave is continually learning and adding to what Old Oak Farm can offer its neighbors so do be sure to follow along on IG and FB for the most up to date info and offerings.
Thanks again and don't forget....Be nice, be smart, work hard and love your neighbor!
© 2019